What I have here today is a article for beginners. It will be full of sql query examples. We will start from the most basic ones and continue up....
HAVING clause is a special type of SQL command. It works in a similar way as WHERE clause and we use it to define a condition. There are important...
ORDER BY clause in SQL enables us to sort results of the query by specific field (column) or more columns. There are 2 sorting options: Ascending order (ASC) –...
WHERE clause is used to define limit requirements for queries. We are not interested in all records in most cases of queries into tables. Only some subsets of the...
SELECT clause is used to gain data from a table. This clause is followed by a list of columns, which we need to display. This clause must always be...
SELECT DISTINCT is a command used to show unique records in a table. Its use is broad but it is mainly used to remove duplicities in the records when...